
It is the purpose of the Indiana County Public Safety Academy to provide a fixed facility for Fire, Rescue, Emergency Medical and other local emergency service personnel to receive training by providing educational staff for instruction in basic and advanced skills and knowledge applicable to various situations encountered by field personnel.

The Indiana County Public Safety Academy, on a cost recovery basis, provides each of the facility functions. Any income earned by providing these services is placed back into the development and operation of the facility.

Facility functions include, but are not limited to the following:

1. Use by local emergency service agencies to drill with their own personnel and equipment.
2. To provide low cost or no cost local level emergency service training and certification testing.
3. To provide a facility for regional industry emergency response teams and fire brigades to train and practice emergency response skills.
4. To provide for a specialized facility that is available to lease to educational providers for industry and emergency service training.
5. To provide space for local emergency service agencies to house special equipment and materials for response to emergency situations.
6. To provide facilities for public emergency response training.